3 Packing and Moving Hacks

The only thing standing between you and your new dream home is the moving process. Whether you want to speed it up or just make it less stressful, these tips can make nestling into your fresh abode an easy and pleasant experience

Consolidate Your Items

Using the items you own cleverly and utilizing a few extra moving supplies St Louis MO can decrease the number of trips to and from the moving van. For instance, pack rolling suitcases with heavier items so they’ll be easier move. Using extra sweaters and towels to wrap delicate items in can protect your breakables better than paper and lessen the quantity of clothes containers you’ll need to carry to your new home.

Pack the Truck Skillfully

If you have limited space in your car or only enough money for one moving van, it’s crucial you utilize your space effectively. It’s usually best to pack furniture and heavier goods first followed by boxes and bags from largest to smallest. This way you’ll be sure to fit your largest and bulkiest items and be able to nuzzle smaller items in between.

Prioritize Your Tasks

While some of your possessions may need some extra attention, there are some items you may just be able to throw in a bag and mark it complete. For example, breakables like dish sets, vases, and the like may need to be wrapped diligently and carefully. Meanwhile, clothes can often be tossed into garbage bags and then organized and folded once you reach your destination.

Are you looking forward to settling into a new home but dreading the process of moving? You’re not alone. Packing up and moving out makes even the most Zen homeowners feel a little stressed. Follow these simple tips to make transitioning into your home as enjoyable as it should be.